Category Archives: Maxillo-facial
Imaging Case of the Week 204 Answer
Imaging Case of the Week 204
The following facial x-rays are from a 30 year who has been punched in the face. What can be seen? Continue reading
Imaging Case of the Week 141
The following facial x-ray (OM view) is from a 25 year old who has been punched in the face and has presented with pain, swelling and bruising around the left eye. What can be seen? Continue reading
Imaging Case of the Week 132 – Christmas Quiz
The following OPG x-ray is from a 30 year old. Can you spot the abnormality even if no clinical information is given? Continue reading
A Tooth By Any Other Name – A Quick Overview of Dental Nomenclature
You’ve just seen a male who has been assaulted. He’s damaged three of his front teeth and you are going to refer him onto a dentist.
How are you going to describe which teeth are injured ?
The daily educational pearl – Vincent’s Angina
Vincent’s angina or acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (trench mouth)
= ulceration and necrosis of interdental papillae and gingivae
– usually caused by anaerobic organisms in patients who are immunosuppressed or have very poor oral hygiene
– can spread to involve the cheeks / lips / facial bones
DDx: herpes gingivostomatitis (usually interdental papillae not involved, more systemic symptoms)
– antibiotics – metronidazole, initially iv and then po
– chlorhexidine mouth rinses twice a day
– often need debridement
– protein-rich diet, fluids; treatment (if possible) of predisposing factors
They should be referred to / admitted under the Maxillo-facial team.