Lying or sitting
1. General inspection
- Obvious cranial nerve or limb lesions
- Ask patient about right- or left-handedness, level of education
- Shake hands
2. Orientation
- Time
- Place
- Person
3. Speech
- Orientation
- Full name?
- Date?
- Name objects (nominal dysphasia)
- Free speech
- Describe my tie?
- Phonation
- “Big cough for me”
- “say eeeee”
- Articulation
- “say peter piper refers Perth”
- “say la-la-la-la”
4. Parietal lobes
- Dominant (Gerstmann’s syndrome)
- Acalculia (mental arithmetic)
- Agraphia (write)
- Leftright disorientation
- Finger agnosia (name fingers)
- Non-dominant
- Dressing apraxia
- Both
- Sensory inattention
- Visual inattention
- Cortical sensory loss (loss of graphaesthesia, two-point discrimination, joint position sense and stereognosis)
- Constructional apraxia
5.Memory (temporal lobe)
- Short term (e.g. names of flowers)
- Long term
6. Frontal lobe
- Reflexes—grasp—pout—palmar mental
- Proverb interpretation
- Smell
- Fundi
- Gait
7. Other
- Visual fields
- Bruits