A 20 year old man presents with a sore throat and fever. He has swollen lymph nodes in his neck.
Hi blood results show:
Hb 148 (135-175 g/l)
Platelets 257 (140-400)
WCC 23.5 (4-11)
N 2.3 (2-7.5)
L 9999 (1.2 -4)
M 9999 (0.2-1)
E <0.1
B 0.5 (0-0.1)
AST 559 (10-40 U/L)
ALT 648 (5-40 U/L)
ALP 562 (35-110 U/L)
GGT 284 (5-50 U/L)
Bili 12 (4-20 umol/l)
IM test Positive ++
Describe and Interpret the blood results