A 26 year old man is brought to your ED by ambulance. He has had 3 days of fevers, sore throat and persistent vomiting. He looks unwell.
Vital signs:
HR 150/min
BP 100/60
His blood results show:Hb 202 (135-175 g/l)
Plt 527 (140-370)
WCC 23.4 (4-11)
Na 127 (134-146 mmol/l)
K 4.5 (3.5-5 mmol/l)
Cl 82 (99-111 mmol/l)
HCO3 18 (22-26 mmol/l)
Urea 20.3 (3-8 mmol/l)
Creat 430 (<130 umol/l)
Describe and interpret his blood results
How would you treat him?