A 35 year old man with significant COHb level of 28.5%, altered level of consciousness (?other co ingestions), elevated lactate indicating severe carbon monoxide poisoning in the context of an attempted suicide.
Normal pH, CO2
HCO3 mildly elevated – is the patient vomiting
Anion Gap 6
A-a gradient (if assume O2 delivered at about 80 %) is high, however note previously on NP O2. Consider VQ mismatch (hypoxic lung injury/ aspiration)
Glucose 9.4 – elevated – stress response
Electrolytes normal
Tachycardia and mild hypertension – Carbon Monoxide poisoning and myocardial ischaemia
1. Resuscitation – no acute resusc issues. High flow Oxygen via non rebreather with reservoir
2. Risk assessment –
agent – carbon monoxide
dose – short exposure, high concentration
time -30 minutes exposure
Clinical features – altered GCS, high lactate, ??VQ mismatch
Patient factors – co morbidities (none given), young patient with good functional reserve.
3. Supportive Care – O2 as mentioned, ivi access and fluid
4. Investigations
Bloods – FBC, UEC, LFT, lipase, Coags, Troponin, CK, 4 hour paracetamol level
Other – Ct head, MMSE, Neuropsychiatric testing (in patient tests)
5. Enhanced Elimination/ Disposition
High flow Oxygen and discussion with Hyperbaric unit if available
6. Decontamination/ Antidote – not in this case
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Car exhaust exposures are high concentrations for a short period, deaths usually occur out of hospital and they have a lower risk of long term neurologic sequelae
High risk Features – LOC/ coma, persistant neuro dysfunction ( confusion), abnormal cerebellar examination, myocardial ishaemia and age over 55
Loose correlation between levels and symptoms
<10% background in a smoker
10% usually asymptomatic, slight headache
20% dizziness, N, dyspnoea, throbbing headache
30% vertigo, ataxia, visual disturbance
40% confusion, coma, seizures, syncope
50% CVS and Resp failure, arrhythmia, seizures and death