The venous blood gas below is from a 29 yr old male who presented complaining of vomiting, dizziness and felling ‘vague’.
You can also check out the patient’s ECG over at our ‘ECG of the Week’ blog here:
Venous Blood Gas
pH 7.681 (7.36-7.44)
pCO2 55.3 (35 – 45 mmHg)
pO2 28.6
HCO3 65.4 ( 22 – 26 mmol/l)
BE 40.6 (-2 – 2)
Hb 144 (g/L)
Na 133 (137 – 145 mmol/l)
K 4.5 (3.3 – 5 mmol/l)
Cl Too low to give result (99 – 111 mmol/l)
Glu 8.1 (4 -6 mmol/l)
Lac 14.9 (< 1.0 mmol/l)