44 year old man presents with severe Paracetamol toxicity Continue reading
Tag Archives: INR
Lab Case 51
A previously well 38 yo man presents with a week of worsening vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. On the day of presentation to the ED he has become drowsy and confused.
T 37 degrees Celsius
PR 110/min
BP 120/80 mmHg
GCS 12 (E3,V4,M5)
Lab Case 40
A 58 year old man is brought to your Emergency Department by ambulance after a spontaneous epistaxis over the last three hours. The Paramedics confirm that the patient vomitted 500mls fresh blood at the scene. There were a number of empty alcohol bottles at his house.
He has a history of severe Aortic stenosis. Continue reading