Lab case 409

PH = 7.17

PCO2 = 30

PO2 = 50 mmHg

HCO3 = 14 mmol/L

Na = 123 mmol/L

K = 4.6 mmol/L

Cl = 98 mmol/L

BSL = 3.4 mmol/L

Lactate = 3.4 mmol/L

Cr = 90 umol/L


  1. Interpret these results
  2. How will you manage this patient?

Lab case 407

56 year old man with background of type 2 DM. Presented after a fall at home. He was presyncopal with blood pressure of 60/50 and pulse rate of 50/ min. (Normal sinus rhythm).

His Arterial blood gases (on 3L Oxygen)showed the following:

PH = 7.12

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Rocuronium ≤1.5 mg/kg versus >1.5 mg/kg and inadequate paralysis in prehospital and retrieval intubation: A retrospective study Clare Hayes-Bradley MBBS

Rocuronium ≤1.5 mg/kg versus >1.5 mg/kg and inadequate paralysis in prehospital and retrieval intubation: A retrospective study

Clare Hayes-Bradley MBBS, BScMadelaine Tarrant MBChB, BSc

First published: 01 June 2022



High dose Rocuronium leads to lower rates of inadequate relaxation Continue reading