80 year old man with altered mental state and shock requiring urgent resuscitation
metabolic acidosis
high anion gap
delta ratio = 1, pure HAGMA
compensated, expected CO2 is 34, actual is 34.8
Severe hypernatraemia, with relative pseudohyponatremia (the measured Na is actually lower than the actual Na), actual Na = glu-10/3 + Na = 169
osmolality = >320 => hyperosmolar, expect Urea to be very high
severe hyperlactataemia
mild hyperkalaemia
Elevated chloride and glucose
renal failure
HCO3 >15
Osmolality >320
Glucose 36
likely to reflect HHS
Severe volume depletion
Look for cause of HAGMA and /or cause of HHS
assess A/B
VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME – up to 10 litres deficit can occur in these patients
Treat cause
monitor electrolytes
Insulin not usually required (at least not in large doses as fluid alone will often correct the hyperglycaemia)
HDU/ICU admission