Lab Case 21

A 58 year old female presents to your ED with a 2 week history of cough and 12 hours of SOB, light headedness. She has a history of breast cancer 2 years ago and has had a mastectomy.


BP 80 systolic

PR 120/min

T 40.5 degrees celsius

Describe and Interpret her arterial blood gas (FiO2 28%)

pH 7.28 (7.36-7.44)

pCO2 38 (35-45 mmHg)

pO2 121 mmHg

HCO3 18

base XS -8

Sodium 141 (136-144 mmol/L)

Potassium 3.2 (3.4-4.5)

Chloride 111 (98-107 mmol/L)

Glucose 4.5 (3-8 mmol/L)

Lactate 0.3 (<2.0)