Date: 30 November 2023, commencing 8am
Venue: Level 1, Clinical School, Joondalup Health Campus
Please register your interest via the form below and you will be contacted if you are succesful in obtaining a place:
What is the JUST Course?
The JUST Course (Joondalup Ultrasound Training Course) is a full-day workshop for point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) aiming to deliver the AAA and eFAST modules at the level required by ASUM’s CCPU. The target audience includes FACEMs, Emergency or other specialty registrars, motivated RMOs, and senior nursing staff. There are 16 places available, and a waiting list is offerred for last minute cancellations. The cost of the course is $550 AUD inclusive of GST.
What does the JUST COURSE offer?
The course consists of interactive lectures, hands-on scanning experience in a 1:4 Ratio on role players, as well as patients with pathology for both the AAA and eFAST modules. It will enable candidates to be comfortable with identifying normal structures, pathology, and to answer binary questions as part of point of care scanning.
Who are the Facilitators?
The JUST course will be facilitated by FACEMs (who hold CCPUs in the respective modules), and expert sonographers.
When and Where?
The course will be held on 30 November 2023 at the Clinical School on the first Floor at Joondalup Health Campus, WA.
Accreditation and CPD points
The JUST course is accredited by ASUM for AAA and EFAST and will enable candidates to pursue CCPU in these modules. ACEM CPD points can be applied by candidates after attending the course.
For any further queries not covered above please contact:
Dr Joshua Ho on