Intensive Ambulance-Delivered Blood Pressure Reduction in Hyperacute Stroke.

Intensive Ambulance-Delivered Blood- Pressure Reduction in Hyperacute Stroke   Li, Y. Lin, J. Yang, C.S. Anderson, C. Chen, F. Liu, L. Billot, Q. Li, X. Chen, X. Liu, X. Ren, C. Zhang, P. Xu, L. Wu, F. Wang, D. Qiu, M. Jiang, Y. Peng, C. Li, Y. Huang, X. Zhao, J. Liang, Y. Wang, X. Wu, Xiaoyun Xu, G. Chen, D. Huang, Y. Zhang, L. Zuo, G. Ma, Y. Yang, J. Hao, Xiahong Xu, X. Xiong, Y. Tang, Y. Guo, J. Yu, S. Li, S. He, F. Mao, Q. Tan, S. Tan, N. Yu, R. Xu, M. Sun, B. Li, J. Guo, L. Liu, H. Liu, M. Ouyang, L. Si, H. Arima, P.M. Bath, G.A. Ford, T. Robinson, E.C. Sandset, J.L. Saver, N. Sprigg, H.B. van der Worp, and L. Song, for the INTERACT4 investigators*                                               N Engl J Med 2024;390:1862-72. May 16 2024

Background                                                                                                        Treatment of acute stroke, before a distinction can be made between ischemic and haemorrhagic types, is challenging. Whether very early blood-pressure control in the ambulance improves outcomes among patients with undifferentiated acute stroke is uncertain


ECG of the Week – July 17th

The following ECG is from a 56-year-old lady who presented with chest pain and dyspnoea.

Her observations are as follows BP 90/55, RR 28, Sats 90% RA, Temp 37.7

Interpret her ECG, provide your differential diagnosis and rationale.

Lab case 448 Interpretation

Question 1:

We should consider ascending cholangitis in any patient with fever and features of obstructive jaundice till prove otherwise.

The diagnosis of ascending cholangitis is a clinical diagnosis. Classic Charcot triad of abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice seen only in about 40% of patient.

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ECG of the Week – 10th July

The following ECG is from a 74-year-old man with one hour of chest pain. He has no cardiac risk factors and denies any significant medical history.

His observations are as follows: HR 58, BP 133/75, Sats 99% RA, afebrile, RR 20.

Describe and interpret his ECG.

Lab Case 448

75 year old lady presented to the emergency department after a fall. In ED she was found to be slightly febrile with blood pressure of 95/55. Part of the investigation performed was LFT   and it showed the following:

Bilirubin = 101  umol/L     (< 16)

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ECG of the Week – June 26th

The following ECG is from a 48-year-old man who presented feeling generally unwell and “restless”. He has been suffering from a gastrointestinal illness for the past 4 days.

Interpret his ECG and provide a differential diagnosis for your findings.