Lab Case 123

A 69 year old man presents with shortness of breath. His RR is 40/min and his oxygen saturation is 58% RA.

ABG on 10litres :pH  7.428

pCO2  27.7  (35-45  mmHg)

pO2  63

HCO3  18  (22-26  mmol/l)

BE  -4

O2 sats 91%

Na  138  (137-145 mmol/l)

K  4.1  (3.5-5  mmol/l)

Cl  112  (99-111 mmol/l)

Glu  17  (4-6  mmol/l)

Lactate  2.1

Creat  119  (<130  umol/l)

Describe and interpret the blood gas

Thank You to Moeen for this gas.