Critically unwell patient with
1. Altered GCS
2. Shock
3. Tissue hypoxia
4. Possible airway and ventilation compromise
Burns – airway, skin
Hypoxic brain inury
Poisoning – CO, CN
Other injury – head injury, blast injury …
Medical causes – hypoglycaemia, CVA, AMI
Future work and income related
pH – acidaemia
pCO2 high – respiratory acidosis –
Causes – hypoventilation, hypoxic brain injury, head injury
HCO3 low – metabolic acidosis
Causes – shock – tissue hypoxia, CO, CN, trauma
so, mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis
pO2 144 – lower than expected on 15 litre non rebreather – severe hypoxia
A-a gradient : (760-47)FiO2 -1.25(pCO2) – pO2 = 713*0.8 – 1.25*56 – 160 = 340
extremely high – VQ mismatch, shunt present due to airway burns, lung injury (chemical injury, aspiration, lung contusion, haemopneumothorax), exacerbation of underlying chronic lung disease.
Interpretation – Mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis with altered mental state requiring urgent airway control and optimizing of ventilation. This patient requires urgent RSI and intubation with 100% oxygen (likely to have high CO levels).
Caution with intubation – Airway burns and oedema, shock (requires fluid preload, use cardioprotective strategy to induce, possible C spine injury. Muscle relaxant – suxamethonium should be ok in acute burns (check K ), consider Rocuronium. Anticipate ventilation difficulty.
Oxygen delivery:
low flow systems – nasal prongs (NP), hudson mask, non rebreather
high flow systems – CPAP/BiPAP, ventilator, high flow NP
Nasal prongs – provide 24-40% oxygen at 1-5 litres/min
Face mask – provides 28-60% oxygen at 5-10 litres/min
Non Rebreather – provides up to max of 80% at 15litres/min