Lab Case 237

A previously well 38 year old male presents with a 1 week history of vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. On presentation he is drowsy and confused. T 37 HR 110 BP 120/70 Sats 96% RA GCS12.

LFT results

Bili 199 umol/L

ALP 152 U/L

GGT 97 U/L

ALT 7355 U/L

AST 4583 U/L

Albumin 28 g/L

Protein 65g/L

Glucose 2.0 mmol/l

INR 2.1


  1. Describe and Interpret the results in this clinical context
  2. What complications would one look for and treat in a patient with fulminant hepatic failure?