A 70 year old male referred by GP to ED with a 4 week history of general decline. He has been complaining of mid thoracic back pain and has been intermittently confused. He has a background history of hypertension and is a smoker.
The following are the patients FBC and Biochem results:
HB 109g/L PLT 89 x 10^9/L Na 139 mmol/l Corr Ca 3.86 mmol/l
RCC 3.79 WCC 1.0 x 10^9/L K 4.3 mmol/l Mg 0.95 mmol/l
MCHC 335 g/L Neut 0.6 x 10^9/L Cl 100 mmol/l
MCV 86 FL Lymph 0.3 x 10^9/L HCO3 27 mmol/l
MCH 28.8 pg Ur 9.6 mmol/l
RDW 15 % Cr 144 umol/l
- Describe and Interpret the blood results
- How would you further investigate this patient?
- What would be the treatment of this patient?