Category Archives: Sim of the Month
interdisciplinary sim
DKA gone wrong
code stemi
65 year old male, cardiac arrest at home, ambulance team achieved ROSC
His main diagnosis was an inferior stemi complicated by a few issues:
shoulder dystocia sim report
The case:
33 year old primip with shoulder dystocia and subsequent PPH, neonate requiring resuscitation initially by attending pediatrician.
Head injury, ED Anaesthetics Simulation
In-Situ Simulation- Trauma
Thank you for those that participated in today’s Simulation.
Case Summary:
42yo man, fall from 3m height with head, facial and pelvic trauma. Initial GCS 12 with hemodynamic instability. GCS reduced further with unequal pupils requiring intubation, neuro-protective measures and transfer to trauma center for definitive neurosurgical care.