- Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition associated with reversible hyperreactivity of the intra-pulmonary airways. May be extrinsic (allergic) or intrinsic.
Chronicity | Days with symptoms | Nights with symptoms | Peak flow |
Mild intermittent or Infrequent episodic | <2x per week or sig.episodes >6wks apart | <2x per month | >80% |
Mild persistent or Frequent episodic | 3 – 6x per week or sig.episodes <6wks apart | >2x per month | >80% |
Moderate persistent | Daily, multiple ED pres | >1x per week | 60 – 80% |
Severe persistent | Continual | Frequent | <60% |
- Prevalence in Ausralia: 5–10% Adults, ~15% Children – higher in ages 2–6y (?from including misdiagosed viral-associated wheeze) – recently falling. 9% of US children.
- M>F children but more F persist into adulthood
- FamHx, maternal smoking & atopy associations
- Higher incidence in developed countries, but possibly more severe in less developed ones
- ? Breast feeding protective
Risk Factors
RF for exacerbation
- Viruses esp recent upper respiratory infection
- Allergy – contact with animals with fur and/or feathers, house dust mites (in mattresses, pillows, furniture, carpets) or pollen exposure
- Airborne chemicals or irritants incl perfumes, exposure to smoke
- Changes in weather
- Exercise
- Strong emotional expression (laughing or crying)
- Drug exposure (aspirin, beta blockers)
- Food additives/preservatives, e.g. tartrazine dye
RF for death
- Labile asthma – sudden severe attacks
- History in past 12mo of any of:
- >3 ED visits, >2 hospitalisations, or ICU adm
- Intubation
- Recent withdrawal from PO steroids or current use of PO steroids,
- Co-morbidities such as cardiac disease, HIV, psychiatric disease
- Illicit drug use
- Poor patient perception of airflow obstruction and its severity
- Initial spastic bronchoconstriction
- Release of inflammatory mast cell mediator (e.g. histamine, PGD2, LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4) → mucous hypersecretion, mucosal oedema, increase in bronchial smooth muscle tone
- Finally inflammatory & immune cell (eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils & T-helper cells) infiltration, exacerbating these changes which narrow the intrathoracic airways
- Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, subcut emphysema
- Mucous plugging, segmental atelectasis
- Nosocomial pneumonia
- Respiratory failure
- Drug toxicity, electrolyte disturbance (↓K , ↓PO4,↓Mg2 )
- Anoxic brain injury, death
- Others: MI, BSL, lactic acidosis,
Clinical Features
- Asthma pattern, triggers, Cx & Mx (inhaler & PO steroids freq, hospital admissions, PEFR)
- This episode:
- Assess possible precipitants & RF for death
- Presence of typical symptoms for patient (cough, wheezing, dyspnoea, chest tightness)
- Onset and the duration of symptoms
- What Rx given so far
- FamHx, Allergies, Other PMHx incl atopy, other medications, smoking/rec drugs
- Vital signs (HR, BP, RR, T, SaO2)
- Decide on likely severity:
- Mild: Cough, wheeze, no respiratory distress, active, talks in sentences, PEFR/FEV1 >60% pred, SaO2>94%
- Moderate: Cough, wheeze, mild respiratory distress, reduced activity, talks in phrases, may have pulsus paradoxus, PEFR/FEV1 40–60% pred, SaO2 90–94%
- Severe: Marked respiratory distress, unable to feed/single words, reduced breath sounds, pulsus paradoxus, cyanosis, PEFR/FEV1 <40% pred if capable, , SaO2<90%
- Life-threatening: Exhaustion (feeble respiratory effort), decreased LOC, silent chest, bradycardia, hypotension, PEFR/FEV1 unable to perform, SaO2<80%
- Oximetry – doesn’t always correlate with degree of alveolar hypoventilation.
- PEFR if >5y (~[5 x Height/cm] – 400 l/min in children) – effort/technique dependent, not greatly useful in acute setting, but may be of use to highlight dips or monitor Rx.
- FEV1 – For older child & adult
- Arterial blood gas if severe to look for rising PCO2 & exhaustion
- U&E – if iv salbutamol to be used (checking for hypokalaemia)
- [CXR – if severe, high Temp, PTX suspected, 1st presentation, focal signs, not improving]
Differential Diagnosis
- Episodic viral wheeze
- CF, bronchiolitis or bronchitis, COAD, pneumonia
- Anaphylaxis
- Cardiac asthma
- FB ingestion, croup & upper airway obstruction
- Neoplasm or carcinoid syndrome
- Recurrent PE
- Systemic vasculitis involving the lungs
- O2 (60–100%) to maintain SaO2>94%. ?Consider high-flow in sev children.
- Mild: Inh salbutamol. Then if chest not clear or still distressed → Moderate, else d/c.
- Moderate: Inh salbutamol x 3 q20min prednisolone. If no improvement → Severe
- If partial improvement: continue stretching salbutamol q1–4h, r/v before each due dose.
- Admit if not progressing sufficiently to d/c.
- Otherwise (for Mild & Moderate) when clear/undistressed at 3–4hr post-dose & PEFR>60%: r/v technique, d/c on inh salbutamol q4h for 1–2 days and taper, ± 3 day prednisolone course, formal asthma Mx plan, f/u appt.
- Severe: Cont. neb salbutamol through high flow O2. Add ipratropium. Get IV access. Take ABG, bloods & consider CXR. IV magnesium ± salbutamol. Give IV steroid. Admit HDU.
- Life-threatening: As for Severe.
- IV salbutamol. Beware SIADH/↓K /↑lactate**.
- Consider CPAP or in extremis: IPPV, adrenaline, aminophylline, ketamine/GA. Adm ICU.
- Antibiotics: Not routinely indicated. Consider only if likely bacterial infection.
Acute Drug Summary
- Short acting β-agonists – first line. E.g. salbutamol, terbutaline, adrenaline
- Inh salbutamol – minimises systemic effects (SE: ↑HR, tremor, headache, ↓K ).
Pat. gets 10% neb dose. NB. Oral β-agonists not effective in asthma.
- (<20kg) 4–6 puffs inhaled via spacer/MDI or 2.5mg neb q20min-q4h-prn
- (>20kg) 8–12 puffs inhaled via spacer/MDI or 5mg neb q20min-q4h-prn
- Continuous nebs 20ml/hr of 5mg/ml sol
- IV salbutamol (5mg/5ml) – no meta-analysis evidence for use in Severe. May → lactic acidosis & Q/V mismatch. Various regimes.
- Child: (15mcg/kg over 10min OR 5mcg/kg/min for 1hr) then 1mcg/kg/min
- Adult: bolus 5mcg/kg over 1min then infusion at 5–10mcg/kg/hr
- Adrenaline – α & β1 effects too. No good evidence better than selective agents.
- Moderate: 5ml 1:1000 Neb. Life-threatening: 0.1ml/kg 1:10,000 IM.
- Inh salbutamol – minimises systemic effects (SE: ↑HR, tremor, headache, ↓K ).
- Corticosteroids – normally for 3–5d (if course<10d then do not need to taper)
- PO prednisolone init dose 2mg/kg/day then 1mg/kg/day PO (max 50mg)
- IV methylprednisolone 1mg/kg q6h (max 50mg) for 24h then bd for 24h then daily
- IV dexamethasone 0.15mg/kg to 8mg or IV hydrocortisone 4mg/kg to 200mg q6h
- High-dose inhaled CS may have some acute benefit, but growth SE in children
- Anticholinergics – augments β-agonists in Severe. Debatable use for Moderate.
- Inh ipratropium bromide q20min x3 → q6h
- (<20kg) 4 x 20mcg puffs inhaled via spacer/MDI or 250mcg neb
- (>20kg) 8 x 20mcg puffs inhaled via spacer/MDI or 500mcg neb
- Inh ipratropium bromide q20min x3 → q6h
- If Severe and failure of standard Rx:
- IV MgSO4 50% 1.2–2.4g=10–20mmol (child 0.1ml/kg=50mg/kg=0.02mmol/kg) bolus over 20–60min (infusion 0.06ml/hr or nebs controversial). SE: ↓BP, ↓LOC.
- IV aminophylline – Narrow therapeutic range. (SE: vomiting, headache, abdo pain, palpitations, and intractable seizures )
- Adults: 5mg/kg over 30min (if not reg med) then infusion 0.6mg/kg/hr
- Children 5mg/kg over 30min, then 1mg/kg/hr
- Heliox: 60 %He:O2 mixture with lower density (& better flow) than air mixtures.
- If Life-threatening and failure of standard Rx:
- IV ketamine 1–2mg/kg then up to 5–40mcg/kg/min infused for sedation/bronchodilation OR inh sevoflurane/isoflurane at 1–2% inspired conc.
NIPPV/Mechanical Ventilation
- BIPAP: CPAP ↓work of breathing and PS may improve gas exchange. May ↓need for ETT.
- Intubation indications (last resort as high risk of barotrauma with PPV). Use cuffed ETT.
- Apnoea/cardiac arrest or decreased LOC
- Exhaustion or rising PCO2 despite maximal therapy
- Severe hypoxia or acidosis
- RSI: Use ketamine if possible. Propofol or midazolam/fentanyl are alternatives.
- Aim: Oxygenation without barotrauma from hyperinflation & auto-PEEP (both common)
- Use
- Volume cycle ventilator or hand bag, not time-cycled
- Low RR (6–8bpm or half of normal for age)
- Low tidal volumes (5–6ml/kg)
- Long I:E ratio (1:3–6)
- Inspiratory flow rate 60–100L/min
- Minimal PEEP ≤ 5cmH2O (so no ↑hyperinflation)
- PAP<40cmH2O
- Permissive hypercarbia (up to pH 7.15 & PCO2 80mmHg) & aim SaO2>91%
- Sedate (fentanyl plus propofol or midazolam. Avoid morph→histamine) ± paralyse to prevent ↑PAP by patient agitation,
- If ↓BP hyperinflated , interrupt IPPV ?PTX ± apply external chest decompression
Non-acute therapies
- Inhaled long acting β-agonists – salmeterol, eformoterol. Last about 12hrs.
- Inhaled corticosteroids – Beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone. Can cont if on PO steroid.
- Leukotriene receptor antagonists – PO montelukast 5–10mg OD. For chronic sev, exercise and aspirin-related asthma. ?Role in episodic viral wheeze. May spare steroid/ β-agonist use. Research continues for IV efficacy in acute exacerbations.
- Cl- channel blockers – Sodium cromoglycate. Dry powder or MDI. Inhib. mast cell degranulation. Useful as prophylaxis in allergic or exercise-induced asthma.
- Theophylline – small therapeutic window. SE incl N/V, arrhythmias, fits.
- Chronic poor control or inability to tolerate steroids may req additional immunosuppression, e.g. cyclosporin or methotrexate. Alternatives include continuous SC terbutaline, anti-IgE monoclonal antibody omalizumab q2–4weekly or four weekly SC
- New therapies: vaccine against IL–13, omalizumab (anti-IgE monoclonal Ab), Chinese herbs
- Overall mortality <2% of presentations, increases to >10% if req. mechanical ventilation.
- Reduced childhood growth, usually as a result of poor control.
- Inhaled steroids >400mcg (beclometasone) or >200mcg (fluticasone)/day may slow growth velocity but not affect attainment of normal height.
- Doses >800mcg/day (beclometasone) or >400mcg (fluticasone)/day may risk adrenal suppression.
- Absence from school and educational disadvantage
- Address RF for exacerbations & avoidance of precipitants.
- Asthma education
- Stress compliance with Rx, preventers and asthma Mx plan.