The following ECG is from a young male who has presented with intermittent palpitations. He has no significant medical history.
What further history would you elicit from this patient?
Interpret his ECG and outline your management.
The following ECG is from a 60-year-old male who has presented with 5 days of central chest pain and epigastric pain which radiates between his shoulder blades.
His observations demonstrate a mild tachypnoea and 2L nasal prong oxygen requirement.
Describe and interpret his ECG. Outline your management of this patient.
The following ECG is from a 62-year-old man who presented following an MVA. He has collided with a tree at 80km/hr with impact to his anterior chest wall on the steering wheel and significant cabin intrusion requiring extrication.
He is complaining of central chest pain and dyspnoea and is unable to recount how the accident occurred. He is hemodynamically stable.
His ECG is performed:
Describe and interpret his ECG. How will you manage this patient?
The following ECG is from a 50-year-old man with no past medical history. He has a history of acute onset of palpitations 20 minutes ago with associated chest tightness. There is no history of syncope.
His vital signs are as follows: BP 115/60 RR 20 Sats 99% RA
Interpret the ECG and provided your management.
Thanks to Dr Josh Ho for providing the ECG.