Lab Case 159

A 60 year old male presents with 1 week history of vomiting. In the last 24 hours the family noted that he was confused and poor to respond. Background – IHD, HTN, NIDDM on Metformin, Coversyl, aspirin, metoprolol.

On arrival he was confused.

Vitals: BP  80/40   HR 46/min   Temp  34   RR 24/min and GCS 10 Continue reading

Lab Case 158

An 80 year old lady is brought in to the ED complaining of tiredness and rectal bleeding. Past medical history includes chronic renal failure, CCF/ pulmonary oedema and anaemia. She has known GI AV malformations with previous bleeding episodes.

Her blood results show: Continue reading

Lab case 157

A 34 year old woman is brought to ED by ambulance. She is travelling WA with her partner, who witnessed her lose consciousness, bite her tongue and experience jerking of her arms and extended legs for 2 minutes, followed by a period of confusion. she was back to normal within 20 minutes. Continue reading

Lab Case 155

A 6 year old is brought in by ambulance on a P1 due to a GCS of 9.

Mum found him on the floor of the lounge unresponsive. She thinks he was quite stiff at the time and had urinated. She did not witness any jerky movements.

He was unwell for 2-3 days with a cough, runny nose and fevers, saw the GP today and was prescribed amoxicillin.

On arrival:


T  37.2

HR  125/min

BP 120/80 Continue reading