55 Year old female presents with a 1 week history of diarrhoea and vomiting. She has recently been discharged from hospital after treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. She has a background of cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes on metformin+dapagliflozin combination. The patient has a needle phobia and was hyperventilating for some time prior to the insertion of the drip.
Below is the patients VBG:
pH 7.50 Na 140mmol/l
pCO2 21mmHg K 3.4mmol/l
pO2 19mmHg Cl 105mmol/l
HCO3 16mmol/l Cr 70umol/l
Lactate 7.5 Glucose 12.4mmol/l
B/E -5
- Describe and interpret the VBG
- What class of drug is metformin + dapagliflozin combination and what are the precipitants for the DKA that this class of drug can cause.