- Mortise stability relies on integrity of ring of bones & ligs.
- Main articulation between talus and tibial plafond (Fr ceiling)
- Medially the talotibial joint supported by the med malleolus and the med collateral (deltoid) ligament, which is stronger than its lat counterpart.
- Laterally there is flexible support by the lateral complex (fibula, syndesmosis and lateral collateral bands)
- The syndesmosis (fibrous connection) = ant & post tibiofibular ligs (at the plafond level) interosseus ligament (2cm above plafond).
- Lat collateral ligs connect distal fibula to talus & calcaneus.
- The flexibility of the lateral complex allows talus & fibula to rotate and translate
- Most injuries occur with foot is fixed on the ground in supination foot curled down & in or pronation lifted out and a rotation or adduction force is applied.
- While it actually is the leg and ankle fork that rotates upon the fixed foot, injuries are described as if it is the talus that rotates upon the leg.
- Extreme pronation will result in med collateral lig rupture or avulsion/transverse # of med malleolus. The lat malleolus or fibula may sustain oblique or spiral #.
- Extreme supination holds fib tight & results in rupture of lat collateral ligs, avulsion or transverse # of lat malleolus.
- Ext rot (of talus) has tension increasing from ant→ lat→post→med, resulting in:
- ant tibiofib lig (ant syndesmosis) rupture/ant tib tubercle avulsion #
- oblique # fibula at or above syndesmosis
- post tibiofib lig (post syndesmosis) rupture/post malleolar #
- med colleteral lig may rupture/med malleolus avulsion #
- Ottawa Ankle/Foot Rules (~98% sens)
- Mortise-view (AP int rot of foot shows jt spaces) & lateral view ± AP-view.
- Ankle mortise widens in ligament rupture.
- Talar tilt normally<5º
- Medial clear space should be 4mm (as is plafond-talus separation usually)
- Widening of the medial clear space >6 mm or more requires disruption of the medial collateral ligament.
- Lateral clear space (medial border of fibula to lateral border of post tibia 1cm above tibial plafond). More dependent on positioning but clear widening indicates syndesmotic rupture (5.5mm)
- A normal lateral or medial clear space does not exclude ligamentous rupture or instability.
- Descriptive:
- _Simple (Potts)_ malleoli _involved (uni- {med/lat}, bi- or _tri-malleolar) & displacement.
- Weber (similar to Davis Webster):
- Based upon level of fibula #: below (A), at (B) or above (C) level of syndesmosis. The higher the level, the more chance for syndesmotic rupture & instability.
- Lauge-Hansen:
- Based on foot position at time of injury and direction of the force on talus → 4 basic # types:
- Supination-Adduction (essentially Weber A): ~20%
- Supination Exorotation (essentially Weber B): ~55–60%
- Pronation Exorotation (essentially Weber C): ~20%
- Pronation-Adduction – <5%
- Based on foot position at time of injury and direction of the force on talus → 4 basic # types:
- These basic # types are sub-divided into stages reflecting the sequential disruption of bone and ligaments. The higher the stage reached the more chance for instability and dislocation.
Weber A = Supination Adduction (Lauge Hansen)
- Foot fixed on ground in supination (lat side under tension) & adduction force applied to talus.
- Stage 1: lat collateral lig tear/tranverse #/avulsion of lat malleolus tip just below level of tibial plafond.
- Stage 2: More talar tilt can lead to med malleolus oblique #
Weber B = Supination Exorotation (Lauge Hansen)
- Stage 1. Talus exorotates so ant tibiofibular ligament is ruptured or avulsed (Tillaux #).
- Stage 2. More rotation ant to post oblique/spiral fibula # at level of joint & extends up.
- Stage 3. Posterior displacement of lat malleolus fragment by talus → post tibiofibular lig tear or post malleolus avulsion #.
- Stage 4. Finally as talus subluxates further posteriorly, the medial collateral lig tears or avulses tip of med malleolus.
Weber C = Pronation Exorotation (Lauge Hansen)
- Stage 1. Tension med collateral lig or a med malleolar avulsion #.
- Stage 2. Freed from medial attachment exorotating talus moves laterally, twists fibula & tears ant tibiofibular ligament.
- Stage 3. Interosseus membrane will rupture up to a point where the fibular shaft will fracture. Much exorotation will result in a high fibular # (Maissoneuve fracture), less exorotaion & more abduction will result in a # only just above the talotibial joint.
- Stage 4. Finally the post tibiofibular ligament ruptures or avulses the posterior malleolus.
Pronation Abduction (Lauge Hansen).
- Uncommon & difficult to differentiate from the Pronation Exorotation-type. Tends to fracture more close to the level of the joint.
- Standard Fracture Mx.
- Urgent reduction (usually conscious sedation) for vascular compromise or gross fracture-dislocation.
- Review history & XR films: id & classify #. Look for injuries predicted by L-H type.
- Non-operative (POP x 6w – partial wt bearing after 2w) if:
- Fibula # undisplaced or minimally displaced
- No medial lesion
- Operative Mx:
- Open #
- Displaced or unstable #
- Incongruity of mortise
- Bi- or tri-malleolar #s
- Neurovascular injury/compromise:
- Mal/Non-union
- Swelling of ankle may delay surgery for >6d.
- Stiffness, late arthritis.
Example X-rays
Weber A (L-H stage 1) Weber B (L-H stage 4) Weber C (L-H stage 4)
Foot Fractures
Talar fractures
- Neck & Body #: Flake fractures common. Classification: (Hawkins):
- I – undisplaced, 10% AVN;
- II – #neck displacement, 30% AVN, ORIF;
- III – displaced neck # = subtalar & ankle jt dislocation, needs ORIF, 90% AVN.
Calcaneal fractures
- Mostly fall from height onto feet. (Lover’s triad: calcaneal/lumbar/forearm #s)
- Assoc with: pelvic #, 10% cervical/lumbar #, 25% other limb injuries. Reduced Boehler’s angle (Norm 20–40º)
- ±CT, admit, ±OT esp if talo-calcaneal jt involved.
Metatarsal fractures
Base 5th MT Common inversion injury.
- Jones #: Transverse #, max 50% non-union. Pseudo-Jones:Avulsion # by peroneus brevis
- Note: Epiphyseal plate is longitudinal or oblique not transverse
- Mx: Jones – POP non-weight bearing x 6w. Avulsion only – Crepe bandage or cast shoe.
Lisfranc (tarso-metatarsal joint) fracture-dislocations
- Fractures may include: 2nd MT± cuboid, cuneiforms or navicular
- Homolateral: all 5 MT move across.
- Partial or Isolated: 1–2 MTs displaced.
- Divergent: 1st MT moves medially, others move laterally. All need Orthopaedic r/v ± operations.
- Medial margin 2nd MT base should be in line with medial margin of middle cuneiform on AP view.
- Medial margin 3rd MT base should be in line with medial margin of lateral cuneiform on oblique view.
Reviewed: 20/05/2012