Any idea when pulse oximetry became available?
Author Archives: Ioana Vlad
The daily educational pearl – Toxic megacolon
Toxic megacolon
= colonic dilation (>6cm) with systemic toxicity, usually due to a acute colitis of different causes. It can involved the whole colon or only one segment.
The daily educational pearl – Darier’s sign
What is Darier’s sign?
The daily education pearl – Argyll Robertson pupils
Argyll Robertson pupils
The daily educational pearl – Injury of the suprascapular nerve
Injury of the suprascapular nerve
This is a rare injury that can occur secondary to:
The daily educational pearl – Injury of the musculocutaneous nerve
Injury of the musculocutaneous nerve
This is a rare injury that can occur secondary to:
The daily educational pearl – recurrent shoulder dislocation
The final post about relocating dislocated shoulders – if you want to teach you patient with recurrent shoulder dislocations how to relocate it themselves:
A patient handout that you can print is available on the site as well.
The daily educational pearl – CUNNINGHAM technique to relocate a dislocated shoulder
I thought we’ll stay with how to relocate dislocated shoulders for now. This is another technique – takes longer, but you don’t need to sedate the patient. It might not work for all patients – especially the ones who can’t control their distress very well.
The daily educational pearl – FARES method to relocate a dislocated shoulder
Today a video link for you to watch the new method (FARES) to reduce a dislocated shoulder and a nice revision of other methods:
The daily educational pearl – Causes of stridor
Causes of stridor