ECG of the Week – 7th Octber 2020 – Interpretation

You are working as the resus registrar and have been asked to assess a patient for sedation for cardioversion.

He is a 37 year old man who has a background history of dysrhythmia. He has had palpitations for the last 8 hours and has had no resolution after taking his PRN Sotolol.

His observations are BP 128/92, RR18, Sats 99% on air, T35.7 BSL 6.5.

His K and Mg are normal and has had recent normal TFTs.

ECG is as follows:


  1. Interpret his ECG
  2. What other details do you want to know from your airway assessment?
  3. What risks will you make him aware of as you take his consent for DCCV?


  • Rate: 126 (post B blocker)
  • Rhythm: Narrow complex tachycardia with evidence of AV block
  • Regular atrial rate seen most clearly in inferolateral leads (note how they can hide in the QRS complexes) – rate around 300
  • Axis: Normal 0-90
  • Morphology: nil of note
  • Intervals: QRS 100 QTC 450
  • Summary: DDx Atrial Tachycardia vs Atrial flutter with 2: 1 block

Airway assessment:

  • History: starvation status, meds inc anticoagulants, allergies, previous anaesthetic problems (this man had had laryngospasm post tonsillectomy) Etoh or illicit drug intake
  • Examination: weight, teeth, neck mobility, mouth opening, thyromental distance, Mallonpatti scoring


  1. Benefits: reduce long term risk of stroke and tachycardia induced myopathy
  2. Alternative treatment: trial adenosine
  3. Risks:
  • Of cardioversion – failure (20%), stroke (<1%), rhythm degeneration.
  • Defibrillation – myalgias, burns or reactions to electrodes, repeated shocks
  • Anaesthetic – airway management, aspiration, hypoxia, hypotension, conversion to GA.

Further reading: classification of flutters and the basics

Medi C, Kalman JM. Prediction of the atrial flutter circuit location from the surface electrocardiogram. Europace (2008) 10, 786–796. FULL TEXT

Pedrinazzi C, Durin O, Mascioli G, Curnis A, Raddino R, Inama G, Dei Cas L. Atrial flutter: from ECG to electroanatomical 3D mapping. Heart Int. 2006;2(3-4):161. FULL TEXT

Markowitz SM, Thomas G, Liu CF, Cheung JW, Ip JE, Lerman BB. Atrial Tachycardias and Atypical Atrial Flutters: Mechanisms and Approaches to Ablation. Arrhythm Electrophysiol Rev. 2019;8(2):131-137. FULL TEXT

Atrial Flutter