Lab Case 134

You receive a call on the red phone. Young male, 24 years of age is coming in on a priority one with ongoing seizures. He has had 15mg midazolam without effect. You ask for more details and are given the following vitals:

PR 150/min

RR  30/min

BP  ??

T 41

Describe your preparations for his arrival and DDx

His blood tests:

pH  7.10  (7.36-7.44)

pCO2   52  (35-45  mmHg)

HCO3  16  (22-26  mmol/l)

Na  144

K   5.8  (3.5-5  mmol/l)

Cl  105  (99-111  mmol/l)

Creat  194  (99-111  mmol/l)

Glu  7.5  (4-6  mmol/l)

Lactate   20  (<2  mmol/l)

CK  758  (<200 U/L)

Describe and interpret

How would you treat him?