21-year-old girl with history of type I DM. Her BSL level at home was 37 mmol/L. So, she self-administered 10 units of Actrapid. She rechecked her BSL 1 hour later and it was 38 mmol/L so she decided to present to ED. On arrival to ED her VBG showed the following:
PH = 7.344
pCO2 = 34.8 mmol/L
pO2 = 47.2 mmol/L
HCO3 = 18.4 mmol/L
Na = 138 mmol/L
K = 3.6 mmol/L
Cl = 99 mmol/L
Hb = 142 g/L
Glucose = 20.7 mmol/L
Lactate = 9.5 mmol/L
Creatinine = 52 umol/L
- Interpret these results
- How will you manage this patient