Lab case 389

25-year-old police academy student brought to ED due to collapse in training. His heart rate was 170/min, Blood Pressure was 100/55 and his temperature was 39.5.

His venous blood gases showed the following:

PH = 7.349

pCO2 = 33 mmHg

HCO3 = 18 mmol/L

Hb = 141 g/L

Na = 144 mmol/L

K = 4.3 mmol/L

Cl = 112 mmol/L

Glucose = 6.9 mmol/L

Lactate = 9.7 mmol/L

Creatinine = 149 umol/L


  1. Interpret these results
  2. What are the potential causes of his collapse
  3. How will you manage this case