Lab Case 93

A 55 year old man presents with a sudden onset headache and shortness of breath.

His venous blood gas shows:

pH 7.57     (7.36-7.44)

pCO2  25  (37-50  mmHg)

HCO3  24  (22-28 mmol/l)

BE   3  (-3–+3)

Sodium  136  (136-146  mmol/l)

Potassium  3.3  (3.5-5 mmol/l)

Chloride  105  (99-111 mmol/l)

Glucose  6.9  (3.0-5.4 mmol/l)

Lactate  1.7  (<1.5 mmol/l)



List four abnormalities

List one relevant negative

Give a reasonable interpretation and explanation for the abnormalities