A 48 year old female presents to ED with a 3 day history of abdominal pain, vomiting and inability to eat. The patient has a background of a previous gastric sleeve. Patients VBG below:
Tag Archives: ketoacidosis
Lab Case 254 Interpretation
39 year old IDDM, presents with a 1 day history of vomiting. The patient has been on an alcohol binge and non-compliant with his insulin.
Lab Case 184 Interpretation
55 Year old female presents with a 1 week history of diarrhoea and vomiting. She has recently been discharged from hospital after treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
Lab Case 149 – Interpretation
A 49 year old man with confusion, hypothermia and shock requiring urgent resuscitation has blood results which show Continue reading
Lab Case 148 – Interpretation
A 49 year old man with confusion, hypothermia and shock requiring urgent resuscitation has blood results which show Continue reading
Lab Case 95 – Interpretation
44 year old critically unwell man with low GCS and severe hypothermia Continue reading