Prepare patient
General inspection (patient sitting to begin with)
- Scars
- Skin (e.g. neurofibromata, café-au-lait)
- Abnormal movements
Shake hands
Motor system inspection
- Posture
- Muscle bulk/wasting/tenderness Abnormal movements
- Wasting
- Fasciculations (LMN lesion, MND, root compression, peripheral neuropathy, primary myopathy, thyrotoxicosis)
- Tremor
- Drift (with arms extended, palms up & eyes closedwith arms extended, palms up & eyes closed)
- downward/pronation
- (UMN pyramidal/muscle weakness),
- upwards/pronation
- (cerebellar),
- searching/random
- (loss of proprioception)
- downward/pronation
- Wrist & elbow
- Note hypertonia /rigidity incl lead pipe,
- cog-wheeling (Parkinson’s) or
- hypotonia (LMN lesion).
- Muscle bulk
- Muscle tenderness
Abduction (C5/6): upper arms abducted to 90o (elbows fully bent) & press down proximally
Adduction (C6/7/8): upper arms adducted and examiner tries to abduct them.
- Elbow
- Flexion (C5/6) & extension (C7/8) at 90o – examiner holding elbow & wrist
- Wrist
- Cocked down & up for flexion (C6/7) & extension (C7/8) testing. Examiner uses his same wrist to test.
- Fingers
- Extension (C7/8) – Examiner pushes down just distal to MCPJs on extended fingers
- Flexion (C7/8) – Squeeze 2 of examiners fingers
- Abduction (dorsal interossei, C8/T1)– examiner tries to close patient’s spread fingers by
pressing proximally with his two index fingers - Adduction (palmar interossei, C8/T1) – examiner tries to pull apart closed fingers
- Ulnar, median nerve function
Biceps C5/6
Triceps C7/8
Supinator C5/6
Finger C8
Finger–nose test—
- intention tremor,
- past-pointing