In this Bite-Sized Basic we take a look at the ED management of Anaphylaxis.
In Beyond the Basics, we provide some tips for recognition of tricky cases.
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In this Bite-Sized Basic we take a look at the ED management of Anaphylaxis.
In Beyond the Basics, we provide some tips for recognition of tricky cases.
The Urgent Endotracheal Intubation (UEI) describes the primary intubation scenario that occurs in the ED where intubation must proceed in a semi-rapid or rapid fashion due to the patient’s clinical state.
We discuss the Rapid Sequence Intubation, the mainstay of the UEI with the longest history and firmest evidence base.
In Beyond the Basics we look at alternatives to RSI including:
– Modified RSI
– Rapid Sequence Airway (RSA)
– Delayed Sequence Intubation (DSI)
– Awake Intubation
– Inevitable Surgical Airway
The commonly used treatments for acute asthma in the Emergency Department as well as the available evidence, are described here for:
– the mild/moderate asthmatic
– the severe/unresponsive asthmatic
We take a look at the relatively new airway management technique of Apnoeic Oxygenation, explaining
– what it is and how we perform it
– how it works
– what’s the evidence
– when we should use it
and include some techniques that are BEYOND THE BASICS.
We review migraine management from a community and ED perspective.
We consider:
– different available treatments
– factors that will affect choice of treatments
– a new ED treatment for migraine
This is our very first Bite-Sized Basics post and the topic is Preoxygenation.
Preoxygenation (PreOx) is a critical step performed prior to intubation or sedation to extend the period of safe apnoea. We take a look at:
– how best to perform it and the choice of Preox devices in the ED
– what to do when we run into problems achieving PreOx