ECG of the Week – 28th August 2019

58 years of age lady presented with being generally unwell for 2 days. She has had a renal transplant and at clinical examination was noted to be tachycardic , normotensive and febrile at 38.3 degrees Celsius. A routine ECG was performed. What is the most noticeable abnormality and how would you approach in treating the patient immediately and suggest at a later stage and why ?

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ECG of the Week – 14th August 2019

61 years of age lady presented with an acute shortness of breath whilst walking her dog. She denied any chest pain nor any pre-syncope. She looked well from the end of the bed and at clinical examination was noted there was an ejection systolic murmur loudest in the aortic area where patient was not aware to have in the past. Describe the ECG and its associated abnormalities and your approach in treating the patient.

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