40 year old female presents to ED complaining of anxiety and feeling panicked. She has recently been diagnosed with anxiety by her GP and started on prn lorazepam.
The patient has lost 10 KG over the last 6 weeks, and complaining of palpitations.
BP 140/90 HR 110 Temp – 37.8 RR 28 Sats 98 % RA GCS15
Arterial Blood Gas
pH7.59 Na 148mmol/l
pCO2 17mmHG K 3.8mmol/L
pO2 126mmHg (FiO2 0.21) Cl 112mmol/L
HCO3 17 mmol/L Glucose 5.5 mmol/L
Lactate 3.8
- Describe the above ABG
- List causes for the above primary disorder
- What are the likely causes for the patients presentation?