A 65 year old female presents to ED after acute onset SOB and collapse at home.
On Arrival BP 75/40 HR 122 Sats 80% R/A Temp 37.8 RR35
ABG on FiO2 0.6
pH 7.08 Na 143mmol/l
pCO2 61mmHg K 4mmol/l
pO2 68mmHg Cl 105mmol/l
HCO3 18 Cr 83umol/l
B/E -13 lactate 4.1
CXR – No signs of consolidation/collapse or pneumothorax
- Describe and Interpret the ABG
- How are PE’s classified based on disease severity and what is their specific treatment based on their classification?
- What tools can be used to identify patients who can be treated for their PE’s as an outpatient?