Lab Case 29

A 17 year old female presents to your ED with 1 day of vomiting and epigastric pain. She had been on school camp and her symptoms started soon after eating a Kangaroo BBQ. She has a history notable for hypermobility syndrome and recurrent left greater trochanteric bursitis.

Describe and Interpret her VBG

pH          7.168

pCO2        36       (35 – 45 mmHg)

pO2         20.9      (100 mmHg)

HCO3       13        (24 +/- 2 mmol/l)

BE            -14

Na            142      (135 – 145 mmol/l)

K              4.6       (3.5 – 5 mmol/l)

Cl              116      (99 – 111 mmol/l)

Glucose     3.4      (3.3 – 5 mmol/l)

Lactate      0.8       (<1 mmol/l)

Ketones (blood)        >3.0