Psychostimulants = broad range of substances that include:
– amphetamines under various forms: amphetamine sulphate or hydrochloride = ‘speed’; methamphetamine tablets = ‘pills’, powder or “base”; crystal methamphetamine = ‘ice’, ‘crystal meth’; dexamphetamine (Ritalin); paramethoxyamphetamine; paramethoxymethamphetamine
– methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA), ‘ecstasy’
– cocaine
– synthetic cannabinoids (e.g. Kronic) – despite the name, toxicity is sometimes similar to amphetamines rather than to cannabis
Acute complications of psychostimulant use:
– agitation, panic states, acute behavioural disturbances
– psychosis / paranoid delusions / hallucinations
– hyperthermia
– seizures (tonico-clonic or myoclonic)
– haemorrhagic or ischaemic cerebrovascular accidents
– subarachnoid haemorrhage
– myocardial ischaemia
– acute left ventricular failure / acute pulmonary oedema
– tachyarrhythmias
– thoracic aortic dissection
– serotonin syndrome (especially with ecstasy)
– rhabdomyolysis
– hyponatraemia / hyperkalaemia / hypoglycaemia