27 year old with GCS 7 but haemodynamically stable presents with Continue reading
Tag Archives: lactate
Lab Case 24 – Interpretation
The stem suggests:
severe sepsis ( vital signs show a SIRS response)
Consider stage of cancer and intervention required.
Risk of Pulmonary embolism. Continue reading
Lab Case 18 – Interpretation
A 35 year old man with significant COHb level of 28.5%, altered level of consciousness (?other co ingestions), elevated lactate indicating severe carbon monoxide poisoning in the context of an attempted suicide. Continue reading
Lab Case 15
A 65 year old man is brought to your Emergency Department by ambulance following several brown vomits.
On examination – jaundice, tachypnoea
BP 95/55, PR 120/min
Abd – soft and non tender
Describe and Interpret Continue reading
Lab Case 9
A 60 year old male is brought to your Emergency Department by ambulance. On scene he was found with a GCS 12 and a BSL of 2.
On route he received 50mls of 50% dextrose ivi. He was vomiting profusely.
The history obtained from family (by paramedics) was that the patient was on a three day alcohol bender, which was not unusual. He was not english speaking. There was a history of malaena and oesophageal varices in the past.
He complained of Thoracic back pain and weakness
On examination
Vitals: GCS 15 BP 100/50 PR 120/min
T 35.8 RR 18/min O2 sats 99% RA
Describe and Interpret the following venous blood gas and results Continue reading